When injury to a joint, tendon, or ligament occurs in an athletic horse, treatment with regenerative therapies at the site of damage can provide the fastest, most effective healing possible. This helps reduce the amount of time required for healing and return to work. We offer many types of regenerative and alternative therapies for your equine athlete, including PRP, Pro-Stride, RenoVō, and Noltrex. Based on case selection, we can help you decide which type of therapy is the right choice for your horse.

Shockwave Therapy
Shockwave therapy is a high-energy focused sound wave that is used to target injured anatomical structures. This therapy is used to hasten the healing process and activate any regenerative products that have been injected into the injured area. We often use this method of therapy in conjunction with intralesional (into the injury) or perilesional (around the injury) regenerative products. This method of therapy is also very helpful to alleviate pain from kissing spine, back muscle tension, heel bulb pain, and osteoarthritis, among other therapeutic options.

Joint Injections
To support the health and comfort of the horse’s joints while in work, intra-articular injections directly into the joint are a safe first-line therapy. We are careful to choose appropriate medication types and use sterile technique to provide the best intra-articular pain relief, while still supporting healthy cartilage. Ask Dr. Guardia what she thinks is best for your horse’s needs and your goals.